Bar Codes – 3

The Bar Codes 3 Parameter Programming Mode contains programming parameters for Interleaved 2 of 5 (“ITF” or “I 2 of 5”). The default values are shown in the Red boxes and also in the Parameter Defaults section earlier in this chapter.

Interleaved 2 of 5

The Interleaved 2 of 5 parameter controls reading Interleaved 2 of 5 bar codes. Disable reading Interleaved 2 of 5 bar codes by scanning the Hex 0 tag and enable reading by scanning the Hex 1 tag.

Note:  If reading Interleaved 2 of 5 bar codes is disabled, there are no other entries allowed for this parameter.

Bar Code Length

The Bar Code Length parameter selects the method for determining if an Interleaved 2 of 5 bar code is a valid length. The Range Check method identifies a length range by specifying the minimum and maximum number of characters. The Specific Check method identifies two specific bar code lengths by specifying the number of characters in each. With this option, the number of characters in all Interleaved 2 of 5 bar codes must be one of the two numbers. Scan the Hex 0 tag to use the Range Check method, scan the Hex 1 tag to use the Specific Check method.

It is best not to use Interleaved 2 of 5 if more than one length of bar code is used. The symbology has an inherent weakness where any scanner can see part of the bar code and think it is complete. The options below provide protection against this. From strongest protection to weakest protection they are:

Specific length, same value as “Value 1” and “Value 2”

Specific check, different values as Values 1 and 2

Range Check

Value 1 and 2

The Value 1 and Value 2 parameters specify the valid Interleaved 2 of 5 bar code lengths. Use these options with the Bar Code Length parameter option described in Bar Code Length. If the Range Check method is selected, Value 1 specifies the minimum number of characters in a valid Interleaved 2 of 5 bar code and Value 2 specifies the maximum number of characters. If the Specific Check method is selected, Value 1 contains one specific number of characters and Value 2 contains another.

Accepted values for Value 1 and Value 2 are 04 to 58 readable characters. The number of readable characters must be an even number; if an odd number is specified, it returns a Program Tag Error. Each value is input using two Hex tags. The first can be Hex 0 through Hex 5 and the second can be Hex 0 through Hex 9.

Check Digit Present

The Check Digit Present parameter determines if the bar code must contain a correct check digit to be identified as valid. If this function is enabled, the bar code is ignored if a check digit is not present. Scan the Hex 0 tag to disable this option, or the Hex 1 tag to enable it.

Check Digit Transmit

The Check Digit Transmit parameter selects whether to send the check digit to the host terminal. Scan the Hex 0 tag to disable this option, or the Hex 1 tag to enable it.

Additional Functions

There are several other functions associated with Interleaved 2 of 5 that are not included on the Programming Worksheet. Following are the programming sequences for these functions. Default values are shown in Blue type.

Interleaved 2 of 5 Tone

The Interleaved 2 of 5 Tone can be enabled or disabled. If disabled, the Easy Interleaved 2 of 5 tone is under control of the UPC tone control (general good read tone).

Selection Programming Tag Sequence


Programming Mode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex 8, Hex 0, Save and Reset


Programming Mode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex 8, Hex 1, Save and Reset

Tone Frequency

The Interleaved 2 of 5 Tone Frequency (tone) can be set to one of eight different values (702 Hz through 633 Hz).

Selection Programming Tag Sequence

702 Hz

Programming Mode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex 7, Hex 0, Save and Reset

781 Hz

Programming Mode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex 7, Hex 1, Save and Reset

868 Hz

Programming Mode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex 7, Hex 2, Save and Reset

961 Hz

Programming Mode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex 7, Hex 3, Save and Reset

1071 Hz

Programming Mode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex 7, Hex 4, Save and Reset

1187 Hz

Programming Mode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex 7, Hex 5, Save and Reset

570 Hz

Programming Mode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex 7, Hex 6, Save and Reset

633 Hz

Programming Mode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex 7, Hex 7, Save and Reset

Tone Length

The Interleaved 2 of 5 Tone Length can be set to one of 16 different values (0 ms through 225 ms).

Selection Programming Tag Sequence

0 ms

Programming Mode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex 6, Hex 0, Save and Reset

15 ms

Programming Mode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex 6, Hex 1, Save and Reset

30 ms

ProgrammingMode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex 6, Hex 2, Save and Reset

45 ms

Programming Mode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex 6, Hex 3, Save and Reset

60 ms

Programming Mode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex 6, Hex 4, Save and Reset

75 ms

Programming Mode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex 6, Hex 5, Save and Reset

90 ms

Programming Mode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex 6, Hex 6, Save and Reset

105 ms

Programming Mode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex 6, Hex 7, Save and Reset

120 ms

Programming Mode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex 6, Hex 8, Save and Reset

135 ms

Programming Mode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex 6, Hex 9, Save and Reset

150 ms

Programming Mode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex 6, Hex A, Save and Reset

165 ms

Programming Mode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex 6, Hex B, Save and Reset

180 ms

Programming Mode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex 6, Hex C, Save and Reset

195 ms

Programming Mode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex 6, Hex D, Save and Reset

210 ms

Programming Mode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex 6, Hex E, Save and Reset

225 ms

Programming Mode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex 6, Hex F, Save and Reset

Interleaved 2 of 5 Check Digit Length 1

Interleaved 2 of 5 Check Digit Length 1 sets the number of data characters defining the tag length 1 that requires a Check Digit. This tag length could be outside the normal specific length or range of tag lengths programming for Interleaved 2 of 5. This parameter permits Interleaved 2 of 5 tags of a certain length to have a Check Digit while other Interleaved 2 of 5 tag lengths may not require a Check Digit.

Selection Programming Tag Sequence


Programming Mode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex D, x, y, Save and Reset


Check Digit Length x y = 04 – 58

if x = Hex 0 then y = Hex 4 through Hex 9 (01 – 09)

if x = Hex 1 then y = Hex 0 throughHex 9 (10 – 19)

if x = Hex 2 then y = Hex 0 throughHex 9 (20 – 29)

if x = Hex 3 then y = Hex 0 throughHex 9 (30 – 39)

if x = Hex 4 then y = Hex 0 through Hex 9 (40 – 49)

if x = Hex 5 then y = Hex 0 through Hex 8 (50 – 58)


Programming Mode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex D, Hex 0, Hex 0, Save and Reset

Interleaved 2 of 5 Check Digit Length 2

Interleaved 2 of 5 Check Digit Length 2 sets the number of data characters defining the tag length 2 that requires a Check Digit. This tag length could be outside the normal specific length or range of tag lengths programming for Interleaved 2 of 5. This parameter permits Interleaved 2 of 5 tags of a certain length to have a Check Digit while other Interleaved 2 of 5 tag lengths may not require a Check Digit.

Selection Programming Tag Sequence


Programming Mode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex E, x, y, Save and Reset


Check Digit Length x y = 04 – 58

if x = Hex 0 then y = Hex 4 through Hex 9 (01 – 09)

if x = Hex 1 then y = Hex 0 throughHex 9 (10 – 19)

if x = Hex 2 then y = Hex 0 throughHex 9 (20 – 29)

if x = Hex 3 then y = Hex 0 throughHex 9 (30 – 39)

if x = Hex 4 then y = Hex 0 through Hex 9 (40 – 49)

if x = Hex 5 then y = Hex 0 through Hex 8 (50 – 58)


Programming Mode, Hex 7, Hex 0, Hex E, Hex 0, Hex 0, Save and Reset

Scans Required

This parameter sets the number of scans required to read an Interleaved 2 of 5 bar code. Increasing the number of scans can improve reading nominal bar codes. There are four settings: 1 scan, 2 scans, 3 scans, and 4 scans. The default is 2 scans. Set this parameter by scanning one of the following sequences.

Selection Programming Tag Sequence

1 Scan

Programming Mode, Hex 6, Hex B, Hex 5, Hex 1, Save and Reset

2 Scans

Programming Mode, Hex 6, Hex B, Hex 5, Hex 2, Save and Reset

3 Scans

Programming Mode, Hex 6, Hex B, Hex 5, Hex 3, Save and Reset

4 Scans

Programming Mode, Hex 6, Hex B, Hex 5, Hex 4, Save and Reset

Note:  This is an Advance Programming Feature and should only be done under the recommendation and direction of NCR; otherwise unexpected results may occur.

Interleaved 2 of 5 Partials

Selection Programming Tag Sequence


Programming Mode, Hex 6, Hex C, Hex C, Save and Reset


Programming Mode, Hex 6, Hex C, Hex D, Save and Reset

Note:  This is an Advance Programming Feature and should only be done under the recommendation and direction of NCR; otherwise unexpected results may occur.